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Dream Yoga: White Light Dreaming

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There is a rather sad but unfortunately very common tendency amongst westerners today to think of yoga purely as a set of exercises, stretches and breath control practices.
Yoga has become a very popular hobby across the whole world, with classes and schools now a ubiquitous addition to the health clubs and other institutions in every major city, and many small towns and villages. There are literally tens of thousands of books, dvds, ebooks and websites taking this ancient Asian system to an ever widening audience.
Everyone today is familiar with the many health benefis of practicing yoga, its ability to increase strength, fitness and flexibility, combat stress, prevent illness, increase feeling of wellbeing, and even prolong lifespan. This has got to be a good , but true yoa is so much more than that, and much of the richness and diversity of the tradition, along with the psychological and spiritual benefits it can bring, can often get lost in this tendency to boil everything down and reduce it to a simple set of exercises.
The actual physcial exercises loved by so many are actualy just one part of a very broad philosophy. One other aspect of this philosophy which I think deserves greater attention is dream yoga. A popular method amongst traditional Tibetan yogis the purpose of this system is the same as the ultimate purpose of all types of yoga: enlightenment and self-mastery. But in case anyone gets put off by talk of 'enlightenmnet' it is worth noting that this does not necessarily imply any kind of religious belief system, and nor does it contradict and religious belief that you may alread hold.. By enlightenment I mean simply increased understanding, clarity of mind, and objectivity of perception.
The practices of dream yoga are based on simple principles: 1 - That the illusion and misperceptions we all carry around with us in waking life are essentially othe same kind we experience during sleep, and in learning to recognise and control the latter, we can ttech ourselves to overcome the former. You can think of ordinary consciousness as being on a single continuum, at the mid-point between sleep and enlightenment. 2 - That by learning to control the subconscious part of our mind which we only experience in dreams we cgain true mastery over ur own nature and fate.
These are the same reasons that many people practice 'lucid dreaming', which is the first stage on the path to whitelight dreaming, but dream yoga goes much further than this modern western aproach.

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The ultimate goal of this system - white light dreaming - is a state o pure consciousness in which the aspirant frees their mind from the tumultuous emotional tides and instinctual desires of the subconscious mind to experience undisturbed mental clarity. At this stage the person remains aware throughout the night and the primarily libidinous or confused dreams that most of us fall into through forgetfullness each night are replaced by the soaring freedom and of clear consciousness.
And for those of you who beleive in reincarnation and freedom from Karma I can do no better than to leave you with this quote from Tenzin Wangyal Rinoche :
"If we cannot carry our practice into sleep, if we lose ourselves each night, what chance do we have to be aware when death comes?"
Don't forget to check out our Dream Interpretation Software and Yoga E-Books sections too!

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