Dreams can be very revealing,
and learning to interpret their meanings can be equally rewarding. This kind of analysis is particularly useful when it comes
to nightmares, which are unpleasant at best and can be highly distressing. But if you can understand and accept the meaning
of a nightmare then you take away the power it has over you, and prevents it from returning.
So here is a list of some
of the most common types of nightmare and how to interpret them:
Being held hostage: This may come from a feeling that someone in your life has some kind of power over
you, and is either pushing you to do something you don’t really want to, or is preventing you from doing something which
you would really like to do. Perhaps you feel some kind of obligation or duty to take a course of action that dep down you
are not comfortable with. Look at the hostage takers for clues – could they represent someone you know? How much do
you empathise with them? It is possible that they represent a part of yourself – perhaps your fear, lack of confidence
or limited self-image is holding you back from living the kind of life you would like to live.
Drowning / Suffocating
– Dreams in which you are dying or fear that there is a real possibility of dying can be truly terrifying, and can leave
people unable to shake off feelings of worry and unease. Usually the experience of drowning indicates that you are feeling
smothered or that you are out of your depth in some situation in your life. It would be a good idea to reassess the responsibilities
you have taken on, and maybe try to find some ‘room to breathe’ and take some time out for yourself. Other people
who are with you, or other objects in your surroundings, can indicate a specific area of your life that needs attention.
Paralysis: Nightmares
involving paralysis can be your subconscious mind’s way of telling you that you are ‘stuck in a rut’, not
going anywhere, or not using your full potential. It can also stem from an important choice or decision which you cannot make,
or are delaying. If the dream is recurring then this is probably the case. If it is a one off then it could be something else.