This professional dream interpretation software combines a comprehensive encyclopedia of dream symbols
with 'dream diary' software which can be highly personalized, so allowing for more accurate analysis of each dream
and also aiding you step by step through the process of learning to analyze dreams yourself.
- Get an in depth dream analysis for any dream, based on your description and answers to the prompt questions
and using carefully selected keywords cross referenced with a huge encyclopedia of dream symbolism
- Easily keep an organised diary of your dreams, whch you can search through by date or content
- Keep track of your most common dream themes, and learn to recognize and understant 'dream cycles'.
- Improve your dream recall ability, allowing you to further explore the world of your dreams
- Customize, edit and add to the existing dream database as you learn.
- Aqcuire the secrets to better sleep, banish insomnia and wake up more refreshed!
- Compare your dreams to those of a friend or loved one.
- You can even build your own dream dictionary, and if you think it is that good ProDream can help you to distribute it!
