New Age and Esoteric Search:
Kabbalah is a collection of esoteric teachings
which provides a system of philosophy, mysticism and magick. The origins
of Kabbalah lie in early Jewish mysticism, but from those beginnings the study of the subject has grown and
branched out, first into a Christian 'Cabala', and then even further, so that today many people who
study and practice the subject do so outside of any particular religious affiliations, treating it as an independent
system in itself, sometime known in this capacity by it's hermetic title of 'Qabalah'
The core of Kabbalistic wisdom is expressed by
a diagram called the Tree of Life. It has 10 spheres, or sephiroth, and 22 paths connecting them, known collectively
as the 32 shining lights. All things belong to one of the 32 paths, and this system of classification has been found to lend
itself well to use as a tool for the objective study of comparative religion and spiritual studies, which led the
infamous occultist Aleister Crowley to describe the Tree of Life as a 'spiritual filling cabinet'.