click on eBook |  | Wolf, Stacey |
Psychic Living
A complete guide to enhancing your life.
A very practical, down to earth and modern introduction to the subject
click on eBook |  | Bloom, Rebecca |
Begin Your Psychic Journey
A much more spiritual, traditional and 'new age' introduction to devloping abilities, compared to the first
book (featured above).
click on eBook |  | Ramacharaka, Yogi |
The Science of Psychic Healing
Healing through the power of the Raja Yoga tradition. A very practical guide.
click on eBook |  | |
Sexual Psychic Seduction
Everyone has hear of sexual 'magnetism' - well here is what it is all about, as well as looking at developing
a deep psychic bond with a partner.
click on eBook |  | Occhino, Maryrose |
Beyond These Four Worlds
Diary of a Psychic Medium
A true life story which will be a guide and inspiration to anyone else trying to walk a similar path.
click on eBook |  | Ross, Cathleen |
Psychic Sex
"when her latest object of desire doesn't rise to the bait, she's forced to spend the night with a good
book--all about astral projection. As she drifts off to sleep, she's shocked to suddenly find herself having the wildest,
most satisfying sex of her life--and it all seems so real!"
click on eBook |  | Snow, Tiffany |
Psychic Gifts in the Christian Life
Tools to connect
Many Christians have an interest in this subject but wory it might be 'dabbling in the occult'. Put your
mind at rest and explore the mystical adn psychic gifts of the Christian path.
click on eBook |  | Schul, Bill D. |
The Psychic Power of Animals
A wonderful collection of stories about animals with various supernatural and psychic abilities.
click on eBook |  | Mandelbaum, W. Adam |
The Psychic Battlefield
Looking at the military exploration and appropriation of psychic abilities, both in the modern world with
CIA and their experiments in using remote viewing for spying, and also the historical relationship
click on eBook |  | Wands, Jeffrey |
Another Door Opens
"A psychic explains how those in the spirit world still affect our lives."